Advancing Gender Equality and Women‘s Self-Empowerment through Energy Access
Equal access to energy is crucial with regards to gender equality. In line with SDG 5 (Gender equality and women’s empowerment), EnDev is striving towards gender-transformative impacts. By making energy more accessible, the practical needs of women and girls can be better addressed. The productive use of energy (PUE) in particular has the potential to increase incomes and contribute to economic self-empowerment.
EnDev’s Ambition Level
‘Leaving no one behind’ is a key element in EnDev’s strategy with a heightened focus on poor and vulnerable population groups and a specific focus on women and refugees. To further amplify its impact on gender, EnDev is now focusing on gender-transformative actions and has re-calibrated its whole project architecture to better serve and capture gender-based impacts. To that end, EnDev utilised the vast existing knowledge from the field teams and further benefitted from the strategic cooperation with the gender-network ENERGIA. The new ambition level is propelling EnDev to the forefront of international best practices in the energy access sector.

Key Documents
For further information, the Resource Pack contains important guidelines, ToRs and other documents that support the gender guideline.
Resource Pack (EN) Resource Pack (FR)